Updated information as of April 7, 2020.
Our Doulas are providing full coverage virtually or at your bedside if allowed. As of now, Henrico Doctors Hospital and VCU are allowing your Doulas to be there in person. We have implemented additional prenatal appointments to provide more information and teaching for you and your support person. Some families are choosing to have us go with Mom while dad stays home with the children. We can set up, or help you set up phone, laptops or tablets to keep all of your important people "involved" during the birth. (if you want that 😉).
We still hold space, keep Dad calm and informed, remind you that YOU are STRONG and encourage you each step of the way.
When you get home, we are available for questions, to listen to your birth story, or... again, remind you that YOU CAN DO THIS!
Our Childbirth Ed classes, Comfort Measures for Labor and Breastfeeding classes are more IMPORTANT NOW then ever before.
Contact us to talk, hire us or just ask our opinion. We are HERE for YOU RVA!