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I don't recognize my own body after having a baby.

Writer's picture: Kristi RameyKristi Ramey

Updated: Feb 12, 2019

postpartum family
Richmond Birth and Baby LLC

Comments I hear daily.

"I feel different, not the same"

"I can't loose this baby weight"

"I look tired all the time"

"I am letting down my baby/family"

"I don't know if my husband will find me as attractive"

"Will my boobs ever go back to the way they were before?"

"I am too tired to feel good"

"Nursing bras, function over comfort or look?"

MOMS, I hear YOU and I understand.

YOUR CONCERNS are valid.


I also cried at night alone, trying to feed a baby and wondering how I was failing. Why would my body let me down? Why does the loneliness feel so deep?

We were always on a budget, so new clothes were a luxury, but I wanted to fit back into my pre-pregnancy ones anyway.

The EXHAUSTION was........exhausting.

I wish I could tell each of you just how beautiful and amazing you really are.

IF you were sitting in my room, in my house, you would hear it.

Over a cup of (cold) coffee... again... you would know you are NOT ALONE.

As my kind-of messy house, my thrown together messy bun and spit up stained shirt speaks to you, I hope YOU HEAR this;

YOU are not alone,

YOU are so important,

YOU are so lovely. ❤❤

May I share a few things I did this past few weeks

to help with my confidence and self care?

My husband let me know that he noticed as well. 💕💕

**Getting a shorter, stylish hair cut.

I went into a budget chain hair place because $$

Told them what I DID NOT WANT but gave them free reign to cut my hair according to the shape of my now fuller face.

Sooo many compliments!

**Getting a bra fitting and buying some well made undergarments.

Nursing ones are great and all, but I cannot live in them forever. (Don't ask me about those comfy pants though.)

They helped me figure out my size and what would feel good on my now changed body type. I picked a functional sports one and a nice every day one.

I loved the care and attention I got, I felt like a princess.

I even bought something pretty for our upcoming anniversary. Shhhh....

If you are in Richmond, VA then is the place.

Blythe Exquisite Linens and Lingerie on 11713 W Broad St, Richmond, VA 23233 has Nursing bras and other new mom items, lingerie, beautiful pajamas, bathing suits and so many bras!

Ask for Kay and you will never shop anywhere else again.

**Getting some photos done for my business. I was able to have hair and make-up done for this as well.

I did BARTER these photos to make it work for both of us.

What I recieved, however, was worth way more than any money could buy.


Imagine my surprise when our very talented photographer posted a few shots on my fb page and so, so many friends and associates commented on them.

Katie at spent the entire shoot telling me how beautiful I was. By the end of our time, I was a believer.

**If you are really daring and adventurous, she also does Boudoir Photography and can make you look.....well let's just say I was blushing....just looking at these everyday women looking so real and gorgeous on the canvas. What a gift for your spouse that would be!

So, as you can see, not much money, but a few changes that reminded me WHO I am.

Find someone that can REMIND you.

Reach out to me if you need to hear it. I would love to join your tribe.

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Richmond Birth and Baby

Owner, Kristi Ramey

1900 Skipwith Road, Henrico, VA 23229 

(804) 393-0094

©2022 Richmond Birth and Baby LLC. 

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